Self-care advice
Headaches can normally be relieved by over the counter medication, relaxation technique and lifestyle changes. Paracetamol usually relieve a tension-type headache. It should be used as soon as a headache starts. A second dose of paracetamol can be used after four to six hours if needed. Anti-inflammatory drug like ibuprofen can also relieve the pain from headaches. However, using painkiller for more than two or three times a week can actually cause headaches. Regular exercise and relaxation have help some patient to prevent tension headaches. If the headaches persists for more than a few hours, contact your GP for help. If your headache gets worse or other symptoms like stiff neck or sensitivity to light occur, contact the GP. for help.
Migraines is a horrible headache that stop you from carry out your daily activity. It can be re-occurring. Patient can use over the counter painkiller to help with their symptoms. They are useful if taken at the first signs of a migraine attack. Combination medication which contain painkillers and anti-sickness medicines for migraine can be bought without a prescription. However, check with your pharmacist first before taking them. Stronger migraine-specific medicine can only be prescribed on prescription from your GP
Coughing normally induced by virus. Antibiotics does not help to relieve the symptoms of cough. Our body usually recovered from cough once our immune system has beaten the virus. Water is important to keep yourself hydrated at least every hour. Patient can make their own homemade cough mixture by mixing honey and lemon in hot water. Over the counter medication can be useful too in relieving cold or flu symptoms. If you smoke, try to quit smoking. Pharmacist is happy to assist customer to quit smoking. If the coughing persist for more than three weeks or it is getting worse, consult a GP
Nasal Blockage:
Nasal blockage happen normally after a cold. This condition will improve within a few days without treatment. This is because the body fights off the underlying infection.
Antibiotics normally is not working for cold or flu. Over the counter decongestant medication can relieve a blocked nose. They reduce the swelling blood vessels in our nose.
However, the decongestants should not be used for more than five to seven days at a time. Using them for any longer can actually make your symptoms worse.
Traditional remedies like inhaling steam from a bowl of hot but not boiling water may soften and loosen the build-up mucus in our nose. Menthol crystals or eucalyptus oil can be added to the hot water to ease the symptoms further. If symptoms persist, consult your pharmacist for advice.
Back ache:
Most back ache can be treated with over the counter medication and self-care aids.
Use paracetamol or ibuprofen to relieve pain. Ensure that ibuprofen is consumed with food. Read the patient information leaflet before taking any medication.
Hot or cold compression pack also help to relieve the pain. You can make your own cold compression pack by using a frozen food (wrapped in a towel). It is important to remain mobile. This involve carrying on with daily activities. Take extra care when lifting objects. Normal back ache should get better after 2weeks of self-care. Speak to your pharmacist or contact NHS111 if the back ach persist for longer than 2 weeks or are getting worse.
Sprains and Strains:
PRICE is recommended to treat most mild to moderate sprains and strains at home. PRICE stand for protection, rest, ice, compression and elevation. For the first 72hours of injury, you should avoid massage or heat therapy such as hot baths. You should try to keep your sprained join mobile unless the injury is severe. This action accelerate the healing process. If you feel pain from a strain or sprain. Paracetamol can be used to provide some pain relief. If the joint look different comparing to the usual, or it is impossible to move or numbness and tingling sensation occur, contact the pharmacist for help.
Acne consists of spots on the face. It can also appear on the back, buttocks and shoulders. Patient can help himself by not picking or squeezing spots. This action leads to inflammation and may lead to scarring.
Patient is recommended to use a mild face wash. Over-washing is not recommended as it may aggravate acne. Avoiding the sunlight, wearing make-up or eating foods like fried food or chocolate does not cause or aggravate the condition.
To prevent the spread of acne on your skin, try not to touch your skin frequently. This is because acne is caused by bacteria building up on your skin. Patient can use gels or cream to treat mild acne. Examples is benzoyl peroxide. If the over the counter treatment do not work, get in touch with GP for alternative.
Example of dermatitis are mild eczema, which happen when our body comes into contact with a substance that irritates our skin. This will trigger an allergic reaction.
Patient can help themselves by not scratching the affected area. This is because scratching may damage the skin and allow bacteria to get into our body which lead to infection. Patient can keep their nails short to avoid scratching. Patient can educate himself by identifying the irritant, so that they can avoid coming into contact with it.
Moisturising creams can be used to calm a mild flare-up of mild eczema. If the above method is not helping at all, contact your pharmacist for help.
Changing our diet can prevent difficulty passing stools. If the constipation is painful, paracetamol can be used to ease the symptoms. By adding more fibre into our diets, the constipation can be resolved. This involve having more fruit, vegetables, whole-wheat pasta, wholemeal bread, seeds, nuts and oats. High fibre food normally take a few days to resolve the constipation. Fluid intake improve the symptoms of constipation. Some patient find that by cutting down on caffeine, alcohol and fizzy drinks, their constipation improves. Regular exercise will greatly improve the symptoms too. If you had tried the above method but the symptoms does not improve, try an over the counter laxative. Ask your pharmacist for advice if above methods does not work for you.
Heartburn and Indigestion:
Indigestion or heartburn and bloating are common after having a big meal. They can be treated with simple changes of your lifestyle and over the counter medication. For short-term relief, antacid or alginates can be used. Diet, excess weight, smoking, alcohol and going to bed on a full stomach can trigger the indigestion. Avoid these. Some food may worsen the indigestion. Make a note of these food and try to avoid them. Examples are eating less rich, spicy and fatty food. Some patients find that cutting down on drinks that contain caffeine. Patient normally recover from indigestion after two to four days. If the symptoms persist, consult a pharmacist for advice.